Back to School in a Digital World
While the concept of learning has not changed in decades past, what learning looks like in practice certainly has. Even in the last five years, the advance of technology has brought with it many new ways to learn. Digital technology can provide platforms to deepen understanding, connect to other learners, and enhance creativity. Using and becoming familiar with digital technology in school also prepares tamariki and rangatahi for life in the modern world, opening up immense career possibilities.
We want everyone to benefit from these advantages. For that to happen, everyone must have access to the same tools.
Technology can enhance and expand learning
Those in the baby boomer generation may remember when they first started using calculators in maths classes. Millennials will likely recall the transparent and colourful iMacs lining the desks of a special computer classroom during their primary school years. New tech being introduced into education is not new; while the idea of the majority of schoolwork being done on a (bring-your-own) device might seem foreign, it’s part of a natural progression. With the introduction of the DTHM (Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matihiko) curriculum, schools across Aotearoa are using digital technologies to support and strengthen learning plus equip students to thrive in a digital world.
The DTHM curriculum content is about more than just knowing how to use devices and programs. It spans different subjects, incorporating five crucial technological learning areas:
Designing and developing materials outcomes
Designing and developing processed outcomes
Design and visual communication
Computational thinking for digital technologies
Designing and developing digital outcomes
It aims to see students understand how digital technology works, and use that understanding to their advantage to solve problems and create solutions. Concepts such as computational thinking will serve learners widely, on and offline. However, much of the curriculum content does require students to use devices such as laptops and tablets as well as various software programs. Without access to these at school and at home, they may fall behind.
Digital inequity adversely affects learning
The issue of digital inequity in Aotearoa can be particularly evident in a classroom, where a lack of access to devices or internet connection at home and at school has an effect on learning outcomes. lists some groups that are prone to having relatively low access to the internet:
people living in social housing
people with disabilities
people living in larger country towns (10,000 to 25,000 people)
older members of society, particularly those aged over 75 years
unemployed people and those not actively seeking work.
This demonstrates the variety of demographics affected by digital inequity: socio-economic status, ethnicity, age, and location. Within each group are households including children that will be affected by this lack of access—even older members of society may be caring for grandchildren and other relatives.
Even in a home with internet access, there may not be enough devices to go around. When parents need the laptop to work or older siblings get priority, tamariki are left without means to complete homework, research, and more. Of course, the issue continues at school: if devices are not provided, students without them are very much disadvantaged.
Lack of skills, tools, and access creates a cycle of inequity
Statistics show that the digital divide exists. What they may not show, however, are the effects it can have on the people represented both short and long term. It’s easy to understand how a lack of access to devices and internet may impact a child’s education; it may be more difficult to envisage the longer-term implications.
Tech education is opportunity. The tech sector is a significant contributor to New Zealand’s economy, creating jobs, GDP, and exports. As other industries such as the trades are struggling, tech has been described as “resilient and poised for growth.”
The TIN report from summer 2023/24 showed the number of tech jobs and firms plus the amount of GDP generated and salaries increased year-on-year; at the time of publishing, the sector was responsible for 7.5% of GDP. To be unequipped to enter the tech sector, whether due to a lack of information, education, tools, or connectedness, is to miss out on the potential for a successful and lucrative career.
Those missing basic digital technology skills can also be disadvantaged in other ways. Many life tasks require those skills (as well as tools) in the modern world: banking, connecting with and making friends, pursuing interests, job searches, and more. Barriers to the digital world are barriers to everyday life, and gaps in these essential life skills—when education at school is also affected by digital inequity—can pass down the generations.
Digital Future Aotearoa is breaking the cycle
All of the initiatives overseen by DFA are aimed at raising the digital capability of all New Zealanders to eliminate the digital divide. Resources are scarce for this work; our programmes run on passion, generous donors, and a lot of volunteer hours given by wonderful kaimahi.
Here’s how we’re setting tamariki and rangatahi up for success as they return to school in 2025:
Through our Recycle A Device initiative, we’ve gifted almost 3,000 laptops into the community in 2024. This is a huge number of households that now have the tools needed for homework and study.
Recycle A Device will continue to run programmes in 2025 that empower tomorrow’s digital innovators, providing tech education and opportunity for rangatahi as well as feeding back into the community by refurbishing and donating the laptops mentioned above.
Code Club Aotearoa inspired tamariki in 2024 and will continue to do so this year, with volunteer-led programmes introducing computer science concepts in a fun, exciting way. These clubs are an entry point for kids who may go on to pursue a tech career.
Ōtautahi Outreach supports kura to effectively teach the digital technologies curriculum, with digital readiness programmes for new entrants to year 8 upskilling teachers and students alike. These new curriculum areas require kaiako to be informed and enthusiastic, and Ōtautahi Outreach is working to achieve this in the Waitaha Canterbury region.
Digital Pīkau works alongside Code Club and Ōtautahi Outreach, taking the lessons used and turning them into online resources available across the country. We didn’t want the work put into developing effective, fun lessons to go to waste—and now anyone can access and use them! The library of ideas includes unplugged exercises as well as activities using many common software programmes.
Our mahi continues into 2025. The end goal: an Aotearoa in which every person has access to the digital resources and skills they need to fully participate in modern life and take advantage of the opportunities available.
If you are interested in supporting the DFA kaupapa, we’d love to have you. Here are a few ways you can help:
Donate Devices
We’d love to take old laptops (less than ten years old, with chargers) off your hands! This one’s a great idea for companies. Get rid of your e-waste ethically and help Recycle A Device to empower tomorrow’s digital innovators. It’s simple—arrange it here.
Volunteer your time
We’re always on the lookout for volunteers to help us run Code Clubs and RAD clubs! No special skills required. Just get in touch.
Donate funds
The impact of our work is clear and our ROI is high. Any monetary donation towards our operating costs is very welcome. You can donate with a simple online transaction here.