Bird of the Year, Te Manu Rongonui o Te Tau

Annual competition organised by Forest & Bird, Te Reo o Te Taiao


Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes

Cross-Curricular Links

Year Levels

  • Y1-2 (Directed)

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6+


  • 1 lesson



Have supplies ready for decorating the bot like a bird and the grid like an outdoor habitiat, or let ākonga explore for the natural materials themselves.

Place the bird cards face down so that each visit is a surprise.


Expand the investigation of each bird to include more details about its names, habitat, conservation status, threats/predators and conservation efforts, and more.

About Activity

This activity prompts students to learn about the native birds of Aotearoa NZ through Blue/Bee bots, QR codes, NZ Birds Online and the Bird of the Year platform by Forest & Bird | Te Reo o te Taiao.

With the goal of visiting each bird on the grid and avoiding both predators and man-made threats, support your ākonga to think computationally and code a sequence of instructions that leads their bots across the grid and around obstacles to each bird card.