Bulldozer Bots: “Clear the Way!”


Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes

Cross-Curricular Links

Year Levels

  • Y1-2 (Directed)

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6+


  • 1 lesson



Have supplies ready, or let ākonga explore the for their own prototype parts.

Have theme scenarios ready to help ākonga get started, or let them come up with their own.


Explore different scenario themes, or expand on a theme to make the ‘mess’ more complex to clear.

Consider how to get multiple bots working together to clear large debris pieces.

About Activity

This activity challenges students to get creative with everyday objects around the classroom to prototype an attachment for their bots, from the design stage to construction, that allows them to clear debris from the grid as they navigate their bots around.

Connect the activity with real-world scenarios by decorating your grid and debris according to a theme, such as clearing plastic from the ocean, snow from the roads, or plowing a field. Support your tamariki to get creative in coming up with a theme that is relevant to them or an issue in their community.