Kiwi’s Quest: “Back to the Burrow!”


Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes

Cross-Curricular Links

Year Levels

  • Y1-2 (Directed)

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6+


  • 1 lesson



Have supplies ready for decorating the maze, or let ākonga explore for the natural materials themselves.

Let ākonga choose a native bird or animal other than a kiwi, then guide them in research to create a suitable maze habitat.


Expand to include complex variables such as time of day (e.g. kiwi are nocturnal), other limitations (e.g. timed foraging), or encounters with predators (e.g. fight or flee).

About Activity

This activity prompts students to get to know the kiwi bird by learning about their natural habitat and creating a world-map maze using natural bits and pieces and other everyday objects from around the classroom.

With the goal of guiding Kiwi back to their burrow, support your tamariki to think computationally and code a sequence of instructions that leads Kiwi safely through and around obstacles in the environment to the comfort of home. Kia pai te haere!