WOW! Bots on the Catwalk

World of Wearable Art x Bee/Blue-Bots


Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes

Cross-Curricular Links

Year Levels

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6+


  • 1 lesson



Have supplies ready for dressing up their bots, or let ākonga explore for materials on their own.

Apply a theme the costume designs so that ākonga have to create something that embodies a certain motif.

Provide set designs for the catwalk grid, so that ākonga have to build and navigate certain routes, or let them design the catwalk on their own.


Practise the activity unplugged where ākonga get to dress up in costume and write programs for each other to walk down and back a classroom catwalk.

About Activity

This activity celebrates the World of Wearable Art annual design competition by prompting students to join in the fun by designing and adorning their bots in a spectacular show of their own!

Learners will use available craft supplies to create stunning ‘costumes’ of wearable art for their bots. Then, they will write simple programs using a sequence of directional instructions to get their bots to travel down and back the catwalk grid, parading their marvelous designs for all to see!

A look at the 2022 WOW show: