Digital Christmas Card
Text-Based Coding with HTML & CSS
Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes
Cross-Curricular Links
Open Ended
Year Levels
Y5-6 (Guided)
1 lesson
Let learners choose their own greeting title, message and images for the card.
Apply this activity to creating a greeting card focused on another holiday or special occasion relevant to your learners.
Prompt learners to explore the original Happy Birthday project by Raspberry Pi, which inspired this activity. Guide them to follow the extended project instructions to learn and practise in even more detail about their HTML and CSS code.
Link the activity to a study of the history of the Christmas card.
About Activity
Christmas and holiday greeting cards date back to the 1840s in England where they became a way for high society to save time sending letters to friends with well wishes for Christmas and the new year. Now, sending Christmas cards is common among people around the world, including digital versions over email, social media and more.
This activity uses HTML and CSS text-based programming in the Raspberry Pi Code Editor platform to introduce basic coding tags and style properties while linking digital outcomes with the Christmas holiday season.
Learners will manipulate HTML text-based code to build a digital greeting card that can virtually open and close with the click of a button. Then they will personalise the digital card using CSS to customise style elements like colours, fonts, images and more.
Activity Guide
Example Digital Christmas Card (Code Editor)
Outside Cover, Te uhi o te kāri
Inside page, Te whārangi o roto