Searching the Stars: Matariki & Puanga
Interactive Star Map Online
Digital device, with internet access and web browser
1 lesson
Assign different stars or other celestial objects for learners to search for and report on their visibility at different times and in different places.
Following the example in the video links for how to find Matariki, use Stellarium Web to find Tautoru (Orion’s Belt) as well.
Find a time that Matariki and Puanga are visible in your local area, then arrange to safely go outside and spot the stars!
Compare between seasons and locations the visibility of Matariki, Puanga or other celestial objects. Then report on what features are most prominent in your local night sky at different times of year.
About Activity
This activity is designed to connect learners with powerful online tools and the skills to use them, in order to enhance their understanding of their local environment and the significance of the Matariki and Puanga stars in Aotearoa New Zealand.
With permission and guidance, learners will practise using the internet and their digital devices safely and effectively to explore a precise, interactive simulation of the sky in their local area.
Identify the Matariki cluster (Pleiades) and star Puanga (Rigel), and manipulate the simulation to experiment with the conditions of the sky across time, location, three-dimensional point of view and more. Then, find a time and get permission to safely head outside and spot the stars for yourself!
Activity Guide
Me pēhea e kitea ai a te kāhui o Matariki me te whetū ko Puanga:
How to find the Matariki cluster and the star Puanga: