Matariki: Animation & Sound
This activity helps introduces basic micro:bit functions and skills with MakeCode to create a multimedia Matariki celebration. Ngā mihi o te tau hou!
E haere ake nei...
Watch this space for more fun, creative, and interactive projects using the micro:bit kit and MakeCode software!
Links and Resources
Scratch x micro:bit (Scratch)
Connect micro:bit to Scratch and build creative projects that combine the magic of the digital and physical worlds!
Microsoft MakeCode
Microsoft’s MakeCode editor for the BBC micro:bit uses code blocks and can switch to JavaScript to see the text-based code behind the blocks.
micro:bit Python Editor
Python with micro:bit brings physical computing to students, learning programming fundamentals through text-based coding.
Teaching Tools (micro:bit)
A hub of resources for features of the micro:bit official editors that support coding in the classroom, including approaches to easily share and save code.
Lessons (micro:bit)
A massive collection of lessons, learning activities, and design challenges that use the BBC micro:bit, with detailed guidance and curriculum links.
Professional Development Courses
Through short and friendly videos, learn the principles of computer science and pick-up practical tips for teaching computational thinking and programming concepts with the BBC micro:bit.