Move the Hoiho!

Programming with Video Sensing


Year Levels

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6

  • Y7-8


  • 1 lesson



To give ākonga a head-start, create the blocks in Scratch and share as pieces to be put together


Add other program elements, like Sound and Say block components.

Extension Project

What happens when you move the Hoiho to catch the falling rainwater? How can you expand this program?

About Activity

This session has students create a program with Scratch that uses video sensing code blocks to move a sprite using gestures captured on a camera video feed.

Ākonga will create two control sprites, a Left and Right arrow, to action movements of the main character sprite by detecting motion on camera that is sensed moving over the controls.

Starter Project on Scratch:

Extension Project on Scratch: