My Kupu App: Search Function
Year Levels
Y3-4 (Guided)
1 lesson
Let ākonga get creative with the backdrop and main character sprite.
Let ākonga choose their own set of words that they want to translate between.
Prepare, add, or remove elements to adapt the complexity of this activity to suit learners of varying levels.
Expand to include more words, and organise them according to a system (e.g. alphabetical, thematic, etc.)
About Activity
This session has ākonga to use lists in the Scratch interface to oganise and coordinate information, creating an interactive app for translating between English and te reo Māori.
Students will compile a list of words and their counterparts in both languages, record sound for each entry, then arrange the lists so the app can search through each list to find and present the meaning and audio for each search.