Programming a Piano
♪ Making Music in Scratch ♪
Year Levels
Y5-6 (Guided)
1+ lessons
Let ākonga choose their own colours for the backdrop and alternate costumes.
Let ākonga choose a suitable waiata/song for them to play along to with their program.
Challenge learners to extend their keyboard by programming additional octaves above and/or below the starter octave.
Let ākonga get creative with the sound of their keyboard by experimenting with other sample sounds.
Challenge ākonga to program each piano key to play when a different computer keyboard key is pressed.
Try your hand at other tunes related to these themes:
About Activity
This activity challenges ākonga to create a virtual piano keyboard in Scratch that incorporates sprite costume swapping, fixing positions and programming musical notes.
Connect with NZ Music Month by challenging learners to use their finished piano project to play along with one of their favourite songs by a New Zealand artist. This activity includes a prompt to start with the melody to the song ‘Nau Mai E Hine’ by Te Kahureremoa.
‘Nau Mai E Hine’ by Te Kahureremoa