Rob the Nest!
Pāhuatia i te Kōhanga!
Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes
Cross-Curricular Links
Year Levels
Y3-4 (Guided)
1 lesson
For younger learners or beginners, use the remote control function to navigate the Sphero bots.
For older or more experienced learners, add the challenge of navigating the bots by writing simple code for direction, speed, and time.
Include special eggs that are worth more points or that give other bonus benefits.
About Activity
This is a prototyping challenge to modify bots, and a game of strategy to collect as many eggs as possible in the time given.
Use common materials to engineer an egg catcher for your Sphero bots, and follow the standard rules of ‘Rob the Nest’ to have a go at out-coding and out-manoeuvring the other teams! Good luck, make sure to test & debug, and have fun!