Artistic Swimming…Bots!

Synchronised Coding with Bee/Blue-Bots


Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes

Cross-Curricular Links

Year Levels

  • Y3-4 (Guided)

  • Y5-6+


  • 1 lesson



For practice unplugged, let ākonga choose what classroom landmarks they want navigate between.

Start each team with two bots, then increase the number of bots to up the challenge.

  • Y0-2, up to 3 bots

  • Y3-4, up to 4 bots

  • Y5-6, up to 6 bots

  • Y7+, no limit!


Let ākonga add music to match the choreography!

Set up a friendly competition, where teams must perform their top program to be scored by the class, with a championship to determine the top three medal winners!

Consider scoring criteria:

  • Difficulty Level

  • Synchronisation

  • Artistic Impression

Use any available craft materials to dress up the bots with a stylish ‘team uniform’!

About Activity

This activity celebrates the Artistic Swimming event (formerly Synchronised Swimming) of the Summer Olympics by helping students join in the fun by using code to choregraph synchronised routines of their own!

Learners will practise writing algorithms with sequences of directional instructions, first to guide each other around the room, then to program their bots to ‘swim’ across the floor in elegant unison! Challenge learners to code according to three synchronised course types, and have fun connecting computer science with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games!