Telling Digital Stories
Skills to Create & Innovate: Blogs, Podcasts & Video
Cross-Curricular Links
Year Levels
Y3-4 (Directed)
Y5-6 (Guided)
1+ lessons
Works well as unit lesson prompt
Guide this as a group activity, where learners work together to share roles and responsibilities for producing a digital story.
Allow learners to choose their own topic and storytelling format to craft a piece related to a relevant theme.
Assign topics and storytelling formats to compare how the same information or similar focus can have different impacts depending on how a story is told or consumed.
Prompt learners to choose a topic related to these themes:
Turn the activity into an ongoing production, where new articles, episodes, or chapters are added to continue teaching and learning about topics important to learners.
About Activity
Where do you get your news? How do you share stories? In our increasingly digital world, it’s more and more often through digital methods that we learn about and engage with information.
This activity looks at three popular and accessible forms of digital storytelling and information sharing: written blog articles, audio podcast episodes, and short video essays.
Guide your learners to consider the benefits and constraints of each of these modes, and to choose one in which to create and share a story related to a theme relevant to your learning journey. They’ll then gather any available necessary tools, conduct thorough research, and produce a story that brings insight about a particular subject.
This activity helps provide an authentic context for learners to practise essential skills in literacy, research, critical analysis, and digital design, to put together a digital story that can be shared, enjoyed, and a tool for learning.
Use the guide below as a template project that can be applied to any relevant topic. Checkout the extension links for some fun extension theme activity guides to help get started!
Activity Guide