Theme Extension: Te Rā o Waitangi
Telling Digital Stories, Skills to Create & Innovate
Cross-Curricular Links
Year Levels
Y3-4 (Directed)
Y5-6 (Guided)
1+ lessons
Works well as unit lesson prompt
Decide whether to run this as a group activity (recommended) or an individual project activity (for older or more experienced learners).
Allow learners to choose their own topic, to focus on an aspect of Waitangi Day that resonates with them.
Assign topics, perhaps with a sequential link such that the sum of the class’s digital stories might create a serial exploration of Waitangi Day when experienced in order.
Guide learners to expand their stories by researching even further in depth about their topic in order to produce a follow up article or episode.
Connect the activity with recent and current events happening in Aotearoa related to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
About Activity
This extension theme pairs with the Telling Digital Stories template activity to focus on people, events, ideas, and impacts related to Te Rā o Waitangi, Waitangi Day.
Follow the template activity guides along with the content focus of the Waitangi Day extension guide to explore historical, social, political, local, experiential, or other aspects of commemorating Te Rā o Waitangi in Aotearoa New Zealand. Then use digital tools to create and produce a digital story that captures your focus and provides insight on the topic.
Use the extension guide below together with the Telling Digital Stories template activity guide.
Activity Guide