Digital Safety & Wellbeing
This involves understanding risks and protecting ourselves from harm while using digital devices and the internet. This means being aware of what we do, what we say, and how we use information online so that we can enjoy the benefits of digital technologies without putting ourselves in danger.
Making Sense of Ts & Cs
Inquiry into terms and conditions agreements for apps, websites, and other digital services, why they're important, what to look out for, and what we can do to be informed.
Carried Away with 'Cookies' (Part 1)
This activity introduces online ‘cookies’ using real, edible, crumbly cookies to consider our online footprint and browsing features.
Carried Away with 'Cookies' (Part 2)
In a computerised context, use your understanding of cookies to have fun with One Good Kiwi tokens and even impact the leaderboard!
E haere ake nei...
Watch this space for more fun, creative, insightful, and interactive activities to do with safety and wellbeing in the digital space!
Links and Resources
Digital Waitaha
This charitable trust generates evidence based programmes and resources to empower digital safety and wellbeing and improve digital skillsets.
The Little Orange Book - Youth Workbook (Digital Waitaha)
This PDF workbook supports kids Y5-Y9 to confidently navigate the online world and take charge of wellbeing.
The Little Blue Book - Whānau Guide (Digital Waitaha)
This PDF guidebook is for caregivers, to support navigating the digital landscape alongside children of all ages.
Digital Discipline
This social enterprise helps empower digital well-being with tools and solutions for the challenges of social media and screen time.
NetSafe Kete
Visit the NetSafe Kete webpage for a collection of digital resources on planning, policy making, student guidelines, activities, and more.
What is Internet Safety? (Twinkl)
Visit this Twinkl webpage for information and resources to help you understand and practise being safe online.
Internet Safety (NZ Police)
Visit the NZ Police internet safety webpage for their advice on how to prevent cybercrime and use technology safely and securely.
Keep It Real Online
This NZ Govt campaign has heaps of tools and advice to support parents, caregivers, educators, and youth to keep safe in the digital age.
Interland - Be Internet Awesome (Google)
An adventure-packed online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun.