Making Sense of Ts & Cs
Roles & Responsibilities in Digital Citizenship
Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes
Cross-Curricular Links
Open Ended
Year Levels
Y5-6 (Guided)
1+ lessons
Review the material in groups, then facilitate a class discussion where each group shares information and ideas related to the topic.
Connect the conversation with learner experience by examining instances where learners enter a service agreement in class - for example, email, websites or apps used at school. Consider how much we know about the T&Cs we’ve agreed to, what they mean for our data, and what more we can learn.
About Activity
This discussion topic is designed to help prompt awareness and inquiry into the role of terms and conditions agreements for apps, websites, and other digital services, why they're important, what to look out for, and what we can do to be informed, sensible, and safe when accepting an agreement and using a service.