Python I - Lesson 3: Variables & Data Types

10-Lesson Unit in Beginner Programming with Python


Year Levels

  • Y5-6 (Guided)

  • Y7-8+


  • 1 lesson



Expand the exercise with mathematical operators to input additional, different, or even more complex quantities for the variables.


Let ākonga get creative with variable names, including camel case, and have them assign values and identify data types for their examples.

Guide learners to move on to the next lessons of the Python I unit.

About Activity

This is the third installment of a 10-lesson unit plan for beginner programming with the Python computer programming language.

Learners will learn about variables, an essential component of any program. They will cover how variables are named, how to manipulate them with simple functions, and three basic data types that we can store within them - strings, integers, and floats.

Activity Guide

Guide Document