Sphero Soccer
Drive Series, Digital Play with Sphero
Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes
Cross-Curricular Links
Year Levels
Y3-4 (Guided)
1 lesson
For groups with only one Sphero, set up a single goal and take turns trying to score.
For groups with multiple Sphero, set player positions and challenge learners to work effectively as a team.
Guide learners to organise a friendly competition by tracking team scores over a roster of games towards a championship winner.
Guide your learners to try another activity in the Sphero Drive Series:
About Activity
This play-based activity is designed to help learners gain skills and experience with digital technologies by practising manipulating software and hardware to manoeuvre Sphero bots in a game of soccer.
Learners will create a soccer pitch for their Sphero and aim to steer a ping pong ball into a goal using Drive mode to control their bot’s direction and speed in real time. They will do their best to defend their goal and collect as many points as they can by scoring on an opposing goal. Learners will have fun and practise essential motor skills while connecting directly with digital technologies.
Activity Guide
Drive Series – Digital Play with Sphero
This activity is one of a series digital play-based resources using the Drive mode with Sphero, designed to guide your learners to practise skills and explore concepts in digital technologies through creativity, achievement motivation and fun! Check out these other activities in the collection: