Virtual Presentation: Olympic Rings
Interactive Display Board – Programming Alternative, in Scratch
Year Levels
Y5-6 (Guided)
2+ lessons
Stretch the activity into a unit plan by spreading the workload over multiple session, focusing on research, design, programming and construction.
Use the ‘upload’ function to get creative with the program stage, adding custom images for the backdrop and sprites.
Create an interactive display board with Makey Makey based on the same topic, using this guide:
About Activity
This programming activity extends from the Interactive Display Board template activity to create a virtual presentation in Scratch focused on the Olympic Rings and their symbolism.
Create an interactive Scratch program that brings together skills in research, literacy, oratory and digital technologies. Learners will work independently or as a team to investigate the topic assignment, distill information, capture sound and code a program featuring Ngā Rīgni o Ngā Taumāhekeheke o Te Ao, the Olympic Rings.
This activity version doesn’t require any Makey Makey hardware or arts and crafts supplies. Use the activity guide below, together with the Interactive Display Board template activity guide, to complete the project entirely in Scratch.
Virtual Presentation Activity Guide