Rangoli for Diwali
Using Variables & Loops in Tinkercad
Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes
Cross-Curricular Links
Year Levels
Y5-6 (Guided)
1+ lessons
In groups or as a class, set design parameters for the activity, like how many rotations, what types of shapes, or what colours to use.
Guide learners to research different types of rangoli designs. Then challenge them to choose one to recreate in Tinkercad and to present about their design.
Guide learners to export their designs, print their models with a 3D printer and present their rangoli.
Seek access to a 3D printer at school of the local Library
If no 3D printer is available, try drawing or experiment with crafting designs by hand.
About Activity
Rangoli are temporary traditional artworks created on the ground using brilliant colours and geometric features to form intricate patterns for worship during festivals like Diwali.
This activity uses the Tinkercad online design platform to introduce fundamental mechanics of programming for 3D design, to examine the geometry of rotational symmetry, to practise using coding tools like variables and loops, while linking with the customs and culture of Diwali, the Festival of Lights!
Learners will understand the significance of rotational symmetry to rangoli design, then head into Tinkercad Codeblocks to create their own pattern by programming with variables and loops.
Activity Guide
Example Rangoli Design in Tinkercad Codeblocks